Plans for the future and why this game came out unplayable (it is playable now)

Hello everyone! In this post i'm going to answer some questions you may have about math hunt's development

1. Why did Math hunt Pre-alpha come out unfinished?

This game was made for a long-term school project, and at the end of each month i  have been showing my progress on this game's development and getting a new task. The task for sor September was to upload the game on any site, but at the time it didn't have English language, tips, and "To the menu" button. Developing these didn't leave any time for playtesting.

2. What's next?

The next medium update is going to be pre-alpha 1.1. This update will bring a simple saving system for sure and probably code optimization, small visual changes and some other small tweaks. It will come out in the end of October.

3 When will alpha come out and why is this project "on hold"?

This game's development will stop in December and will renew only in the beginning of July. Therefore alpha will come out in the end of summer 2024 at best. Alpha version will atleast contain a new difficulty system, inventory system, new combat system and crafting system. For the 1.0 version i plan to triple alpha's content by adding 2 more bosses, locations and new mathematical operations.

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